Re[2]: How Nasty Is A Trickster?

From: Paul Andrew King <paul_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:11:39 +0100

>Hello Paul,
>Sunday, September 22, 2002, 9:12:24 PM, you wrote:
>PAK> That said I don't think that tricksters are actively malicious (at
>PAK> least to their clan) beyond practical jokes. BUT they don't see the
>PAK> consequences of their tricks. If a joke embarrasses and humiliates
>PAK> someone who has - in the trickster's view - unjustly beaten them then
>PAK> the trickster will almost certainly go for it EVEN if kinstrife might
>PAK> follow - the trickster simply won't think it through that far.
>that's my main uncertainty - the consequences [IMG] for revealing the
>beguilement would be far reaching for HIM, because HE's 'only' adopted
>into the family and is likely to face anything up to isolation or even

That really depends on his relationships. And the sort of marriage. But whatever happens it will be worse if the trickster exposes them (given the opportunity THAT could be meant in more senses than one !).

And cultural expectations play a part - SHE is likely to get most of the blame and HE might get off with a telling off and - perhaps - being sent somewhere else for a while *if* it has not got to the stage of adultery (if you want to move the campaign elsewhere that might be a good way of getting HIM off the stead). HE will have to be apologetic and probably promise to end the relationship - at least for the duration of the marriage but unless he has bad relationships with other members of the family he *might* get away with it.

>I'm not sure if a trickster would take such thoughts into account,
>after all he is part of the community as his deity was and his
>behaviour would weaken
>it beyound the usual puns and bad behaviour.
>having said that, an Eurmali is expected to do exactly this kind of
>things anyway.

I don't think that a Eurmali would even think about it. The trickster needs to play tricks and given a target as good as this one I don't think any Eurmali could resist.

Just be glad that the trickster isn't using trickster magic - yet. HE might find that HE develops an enormous erection whenever SHE is near (or something else like diarrhea). (And if HE wants to lose his love of HER the trickster would be happy to use Eurmali magic to "help").

"The T'ang emperors were strong believers in the pills of 
immortality.  More emperors died of poisoning from ingesting minerals 
in the T'ang than in any other dynasty" - Eva Wong _The Shambhala 
Guide to Taoism_

Paul K.

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