Re: Elfball

From: kmnellist_at_...
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 12:20:17 EDT

In a message dated 20/10/02 15:54:43 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

<< t's a very hazy memory, but wasn't there a writeup somewhere in the '80s (in
 White Dwarf?) for a version of Cricket in Glorantha played by Aldryami? I may
 be wrong, but it comes to mind. >>

Howzat! by Mark Wilkinson, David Bailey and Richard Bramah, WD 63. Rick says in MIG II that it is a "little odd and silly but not without merit." I personally find cricket as interesting as watching grass grow, which presumeably is why elves like it so much.

It suggested a match between dwarfs and elves but I see dwarfs playing some sort of racket sport, and, for a number of reasons I think it would be squash: played in a hard walled "cave", lack of height not a huge disadvantage (unlike tennis say), and it fits with the mostali as modern capitalist wage slaves parody.

For a God Learner sport still played in all their former colonies, the best I can think of is association football, which was a RW attempt to "monomyth" the various rules of kicking about. I think the Umathelans or maybe the Fonritans might think of it as the "beautiful" game. Jrustela still fields more teams in international competitions for historic reasons. One former colony of the Middle Sea Empire, probably Loskalm, maybe Seshnela, utterly rejects the beautiful game and shows very little interest in it, even when its team does well.


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