Latest on the Issaries CafePress stores

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 12:50:13 -0000

Another month, another update. As winter rolls in, Helamakt, the Fighting Storm, is showcased at, while Orngerin Cloudcape takes on the watch at Orenoar's Truths, the store featuring sayings and mottoes of the Hero Wars, gets a revamp, and is now a gateway to a variety of stores, each dedicated to a particular saying. There are now three such inspiring mottoes available through, and more will be added periodically. Also, there are some new products available throughout the stores, from the practical (hooded sweatshirts, for example) to the entirely frivolous (inclusive Lunar 'We Are All Us' teddy-bears and Issaries tree ornaments, anyone?). You can expect to see more such seasonal merchandise in the coming weeks, so be sure to check out the stores regularly, and shower your friends and loved ones with Gloranthan gifts this holiday-time!


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