Re: Re: How do we do this now?

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 00:07:15 +1100

And a final paragraph...

Most of all though, for me, an occupation campaign is about the getting of wisdom - learning when *not* to strike, when to endure humiliation, and when to strike back, learning to temper the scale and intensity of your actions to protect the clan, when to accept defeat quietly, and if you do fight back, choosing your methods and targets very carefully. For young Orlanthi, this can be the hardest lesson of all, and every mistake you make is marked by the blood, suffering and death of innocent kin.

And of course, after so much restraint, a full-on military episode becomes all the more cathartic. :)

Come The Thunder.


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