Re: Re: High Power Games

From: NFranz197_at_...
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 13:19:19 EST

> My Heroes are powerful in their environment, with 15W the highest rating,
> but they know there are plenty of powerful godlearners, dragonlords, waha
> khans and troll demigods that would squat them like flies. However, I do
> to get to the stage where they can at least face of a nomad horde, resist a

> godlearner curse, or fight a dragon.

  This is going to get a tad rules-related, but since you mentioned dragons (Dream Dragons, I suppose), let me throw this in: I had an idea about a group of HW player-characters facing a dragon, too. But let me ask you, if you introduce a young new Orvanshagor devotee into the game with his best abilities at 5w and 1w, has that character really fought a dragon in the past, during initiation, holy days, and so on? He's got magic pointed directly against dragons and presumably dragonewts, but even a wyvern in Hero Wars has a fighting ability at 10w3 as a default. Can you just say, well, he pummeled a few lesser dragons before play begins?

  An Orvanshagori is not technically an advanced player occupation, is he?


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