
From: Peter Tracy <bachelornewtling_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 09:03:59 +1100


thanks for the etymology of 'gar'... I rather like the 'spear' connection. The obvious connection/parallel here for me is those pesky Sundomers.

The "Garhound" is of course the bitch of the spear people... a flunky, underling(dog)... of course the Duke of Garhound would not be pleased to have certain parts of his family history unearthed...

The title to the lands of Garhound was actually granted by the Sundome, in honour of the great loyalty and great service the family had granted the Sundomers, even though they are 'furiners'. Since then, relations have slowly soured as the upstart Grahounders began considering themselves equal.

I think this suits the 'Secret History' of Suncounty better than any real or spiritual dog. Maybe the hound gained that part of his name in reference to the Praxian (ne Balzarring) Brother Dog Spirit, after rescuing a starving Light Son. Who knows!?


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