Re: Glorantha the Movie

From: gjobbins <nuanarpoq_at_...> <nuanarpoq_at_...>
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 16:29:51 -0000

well, given that most fantasy films are pretty crap, if there was going to be a gloranthan movie i'd like it to be slightly different from the usual fx-ridden, badly scripted, moronically plotted fare we usually get.

so i propose either paul thomas anderson, david mamet or todd solontz as directors (reasonably mainstream, reasonably inteligent), and the movie would revolve around the internal suffering of heroes as they struggle to accept that their destiny is something they are doomed to partake in, rather than something they are free to create. william h macy should play a privately uncertain, pensive argrath; julianne moore as a brave but traumatised kallyr; phillip hoffman as a teddy-bear-like harrek; steve buscemi as a demented humakti; willem dafoe as beat-pot; thora birch as an emissary of Kev the Visionary; marlon brando as the red emperor; merryl streep as jareel  the razoress.

finally tim roth and gary oldman should do the voice-overs for any cgi ducks, and their sparring dialogue should be a running meditation on the problem of being real characters in a fictional world.

the film should be shot in black and white, except for sequences on the heroplane which would be shot in negative colour.

modestly, i reckon that this would win at least several oscars, if not a nobel prize.



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