Re: Re: Glorantha the Movie

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 14:08:42 +1100

> Watch out John, that may just turn up as the next wargame I run (if I find
> enough 'boons, I got all the Ducks already).

Way kool! It's also the module I'm writing for Scotscon. Players can be either the ducks, the 'boons, or (with two gms and enough beer) opposing sides. This way *everyone* gets to play a one-dimensional GM stereotype.

Just remember, any baboon force must contain at least one ballista unit. And they're *very* attracted to cavalry, even more so to dismounted cavalry or bagagge trains.

and your description of the dinosaur change was jest awesome.

'Fruit & Horseflesh!'


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