Re: News from Gloranthacon

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 22:01:22 -0000

> You really can recognize Dave Dunham by his "portrait" in King of
> Dragon Pass.

This is true! - Given that he is leading my Clan, why aren't I doing better?

> The HQ teaser provided to GTA initiates who attended the conference
> is quite seductive. Looks like HQ is going to be worlds stronger
> than HW was, in terms of organization, examples, and clarity.

Yes, lots of nice looking stuff in here (nice to see the notes like "This must be a double page spread" too, so hopefully the formatting will work). Makes me wish I had been richer (Higher level members of the GTA got "more stuff")

> Mark Galeotti writes some pretty nifty songs, but you have to be a
> fan of Queen to know most of the tunes.

Sadly (for me, not for those forced to listen) I missed most of the sing-along due to getting to play a game of Arkham Horror) I did make the Storytelling though, which was good, with Nick (Unless we want to give Mark the credit for this as well ;) ) telling some stories from memory, Melanie entertaining us with Mad-libs, Stuart Mousir-Harrison giving us some myths from his campaign, David Dunham giving us a tale of bad King Urgrain that he wrote while listening to the other tales, and a couple of other tales whose tellers I can't remember (and me, but I'll leave it for others to comment on my contribution)

> Listening to people like Greg, Mark Galeotti, and Martin Laurie
>talk, you get good feeling about Glorantha's future.

It's good to know that Issaries has a number of completed or nearly completed manuscripts ready to go, and plans on a product every 2-3 months (depending on the optimism of the person telling you) as well as people working on other projects beyond that. Likewise it is good that Unspoken Word also has a number of plans that are complimentary to the Issaries stuff...

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