Re: Orlanthi initiation rites

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 18:17:25 +0000 (GMT)

> In that vein; has anyone does this with the game
> before? Does
> anyone have any tips for shepherding these novices
> into creating
> Orlanthi at a level that's younger than they
> otherwise might be?
> Start with scores of 15 instead of 17, frex?

This is how I started the last table-top campaign I ran: near-adults, with the players and their characters learning mythology at the same rate. It was a lot of fun while it lasted.

But, this was pre-HW. I based it on KoS, and while some is still OK, HW and TR in particular have changed a lot of stuff. I was running very rules-lite in any case: RQ can't cope with heroquesting, so I did a go-with-the-flow, mythic-resonance,
yeah-that's-a-good-story sort of thing. (And yes, when HW came out, I loved it!)

The page about how I did initiation heroquests is here at present:

(though I'm in the middle of trying to move my page to a new server, so that link won't stay good for long)

There are links from there to Heort's Path, the "Orlanth and his brothers" quest, and an Ernalda quest that bears no resemblance to that described in TR.

Some bits of the descriptions may still be of use. Pick and choose as you please.

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