Re: Stormblooms, Boltblooms and 'wild shamrock manners'

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 10:42:00 +0000 (GMT)

> It will probably evoke the Orlanthi colours of blue
> or cloudy grey.
> It will probably be a stormbloom - that is, a hardy
> species of plant that
> flowers in the wild and windy weather of Storm
> Season - probably with weedy,
> 'armoured' shoots and relying on the wind for
> propagation.

> It will be usually found in mountain meadows or wild
> uplands.

> Can anyone suggest the name for such a plant,
> possible real world analogues,

My immediate thought for a RW analogue would be heather: as used to make heather ale (very nice), heather honey (yum!) and in the remote Highlands, to build houses (yes, really).

Then it occured to me that when I was moving my "Gloranthan songs" page from server to server, I found a song called "Wild mountain thyme" that looked terrribly mythic, but I'd never managed to sort out Gloranthan meaning for. Thyme is sort of similar to heather, only has herbal properties as well....

and at that point my inspiration runs out.

Here's the song if you want a look:

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