Re: Playability of Glorantha

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 16:47:29 -0000

I will simply make this observation: At Gloranthacon last week, there were very, very few new faces. And many folks were wondering where everyone was.

> As for the simulationist, they _crave_ detail, that is their whole
reason for
> gaming so if you remove detail from the game then it will not
fulfill their
> needs. I'm a simulationist and relish any cultural, relgious,
> military detail as it simulates a real society in game. My
Glorantha has to
> make consistent sense.

Unfortunately, there is a point where too much detail becomes a hinderance and one can't figure out what the heck to do with all of the details. Personally, I would find a compeate list of all the variations of the Imperial regiments a bit daunting and certainly not very useful for someone trying to play a game.

Playing a game - its something that seems to get lost from time to time. And its hard to share when one has to hand over an encyclopedia.

Your comment about Transhuman space is apt but most of that game is based on current SF ideas and extrapolations. It is, frankly, far more approachable.   

> I have to disagree here. Firstly, GMs and players take what they
need or
> want. So though the detail is there, they don't always use it but
if they
> need it, its better to have it and not need it than need it and not
have it.

I have been teaching the game at many (about20) conventions for the past few years and the level of detail and the 'expected' knowlege has been a continual comment. Even if they are not SUPPOSED to use it, GMs amd players feel compelled to use it.

There is far too much "tell" and not enough "show" in the current books. I don't want a list of gods I'll never use. Most folks are not running earth-shattering campaigns of mythic import, Martin. Neither are they running psychodramatic initiation quests. Most seem to want to have fun in a game world which has a wonderful mythic resonance.

What I want is something that will show me how to use the information I have. Even a plot hook or scenario seed would be good. Show me, don't tell me and for god's sake, don't -bore- me.

> True, but its better than reprinting it and loosing the space for
> material. Remember Kyger Litor in RQ? How could we forget...we saw
it often
> enough.

It depends. Do you want something useful or something effecient? If its not in the core books, it probably bears repeating if its crucial. Something like the Exiles book manages this fairly well, reprinting (and expanding) essential information but not repeating less important information to be found in the core books.

There's nothing more frustrating than being referred to a book that is out of print for crucial or critial information.


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