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From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 18:03:38 -0000

Can I just re-state a couple of points, which might help cool and clarify some of the discussion.
  1. I did *not* that II will no longer produce background material. I said that background and story would be much more closely integrated. I also suggested that the balance in books could be as little as 1/3 story to 2/3 background. In many ways, the best example is actually UW's In Wintertop's Shadow: solid, coherent, intensive background material, history, keywords, cults etc - and then some equally solid adventure support in the form both of specific scenarios and also adventure seeds.
  2. Some of the membership of this yahoogroup may feel that the status quo is fine and dandy, but the practicalities of the real world disagree. When I said that II *needs* to get HQ introduced to a larger audience, I meant it. There is only so long you can survive depending on unpaid authors, often unpaid volunteer artists and the goodwill of many proofreaders, layout people, etc. II does not make money. The question is not 'will this make Greg a millionaire' - it is, as Greg made clear at Gloranthacon, that at present II pays no one a salary. The money goes on the printers, some of the artists and, when Steve can't do it in his free time, a layour specialist. This is not a long-term option. So face it, *Glorantha* as an intellectual construct will survive, but if you want there to be an Issaries Inc bringing more of Glorantha to your eyes, then the constituency needs to be expanded.

I hope this helps. Remember that everyone involved in Issaries is (a) a Gloranthan fanatic, whose personal inclination is to be delving deep into the world and (b) putting in a lot of personal time for no personal reward beyond the genuine but intangible pleasure of brining Glorantha to light and life. But if you all enjoy Glorantha, isn't it right (as well as sensible) to let others also come to realise what a great fantasy it is?

All the best


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