Re: What attracted you to Glorantha?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:26:30 +0000 (GMT)

> As a diversion while we all settle down, how about a
> round of "What
> excited me about Glorantha in the first place?"

In the first place, it was the background. Specifically, the religions. I'd come from dealing with AD&D-style "clerics" who didn't know what religion they were in and didn't care, so religions so "real" that the PCs spent half the game in passionate theological discussion (and the other half trying to convert my new PC to one of them) were a revelation.

But that just got me in as a player, no more. A keen player, but that was it.

Then I found King of Sartar. Started reading it as a "normal" bit of background, found contradictions, found Gloranthan reasons for the contradictions, found Gloranthan conspiracy theories... hooked!

> PS. As to why discussion like this happen on this
> list, I'm sure I'm
> not the only one who has never signed up to the
> digest for one reason or another.

I'm signed up, I read it, but simply because it's only available in Digest format, not as separate messages, it's a pain to reply to.

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