Sample ready-to-play clans?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 14:47:29 +0000 (GMT)

Thanks, I'll do that tonight. Is the result so far suitable to be made into, say a 1-side PDF to go on the Issaries site, would you say? Because I was thinking of this more as an aid for complete newbies than for my own specific needs.

BTW, random multi-system thought: I wonder if it would be possible to down-load a clan from King of Dragon Pass in human-readable format, ready for HW use? Might be rather fun, playing a clan in KoDP and then setting your HW session there as well. Though of course KoDP doesn't have all the sub-cults and other complications, does it? Is that a function of the system, or of the setting being a few centuries earlier?

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