Re: Subject: Initiation & the Other Side

From: Tim Ellis <tim_at_...>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 12:13:12 -0000

This makes sense both "logically" and from a games rule perspective, -  a character who fumbles, but bumps up to a sufficient level of success to defeat the opposition can still have a pretty miserable time of the initiation.

Also the "critical point" may not be what the players automatically assume it to be. for example from the Vinga Thread, the Vingan fights alone against the foe. The players will probably assume they *must* win the fight, in fact the critically important part is choosing to face the foe alone (rather than run/hide/get your family to protect you...). Loosing the fight may leave you as a very weak Vingan, or with a number of other problems/plot hooks, but still a Vingan.

> I do, however, think there are variations. An applicant with a great
> destiny (Harmast, Arkat) might face an unusually tough foe. Also,
> adults undergoing initiation might well face tougher challenges.

Very true - Indeed the Tough initiation may be what reveals the great destiny (Either you survive it, but now have some very powerful mythical links to other powerful entities, or you die, in which case no one cares about your destiny). Adults almost certainly face tougher chalenges, especially when not making a "culturally acceptable" change - See, for example the ritual for a Human to join Kygor Litor....

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