Selling HW to players of other systems?

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:17:07 +0000 (GMT)

> And if it becomes
> clear during play that they *should* have had Hates
> Tall People as well, just add it!

It just occured to me that this (because if you remmeber, adding stuff later *is* in the rules, it's not just my idea) is a selling point for HW over many other systems. The character-generation process isn't an all-important, irrevocable, set-in-stone thing.

You get a tiny bit of a 1st-level D20 character "wrong", you may not find out till 10th level, and it can't be changed. "No, you can't take that feat, because it depends on having that one, which depends on...." aargh!

I like HW. No stress. No worries. No need to spend hours doing sums and analysis to be sure it all works out. Just role-play. How one pushes this as a selling point, I'm not sure, but I know that is it one, for me.

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