Re: How many clans in a tribe?

From: Viktor Haag <vhaag_at_...>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 12:03:33 -0400

e-g_at_... writes:

> 20% of 180,000 gives a total armed strength for Sartar of
> 36,000 men, compared to your original 57,000 total.

I think my original total was based on a larger Sartarite population.

> Either way, that's equivalent in manpower (if not
> organisation...) to 7 - 12 Roman legions.
> If there is a problem with Sartar, it's simply that the
> population is too small, especially considering that in the
> wargame WBRM/DP Prince Argrath's army is equal in size and
> strength to the Red Emperor's!

My gut feeling was based on the "understanding" that the fight between the Sartarites and the Empire was somehow a fair fight, and that the Lunars gave me the impression that they could put significantly more than 36,000 soldier into the field.

But again, I'm willing to admit up front that those hunches are most likely wildly misinformed.

I just somehow got the impression that there should be more Heortlings running around in that area than 200K, give or take...


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