Re: Sarotar Keep & Road of Sartar

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 07:44:47 -0000

Mikko Rintasaari wrote:
> Marvelous. While we are on the subject. The roads of Sartar.
By the way I just checked my notes. Now likve everything prepublication  this is all subject to change at a moment's notice, but in the last draft I had Sarotar Keep was a broch (surrounded by later walls built by Jarolar (I see Jarolar's walls as being like the gallic wall the 'murus gallicus')

> My vision is that the roads are built on a raised earth bed, so they
> overlook the landscape a bit (not all that high, just so that the
> travellers are that much safer from ambush).

Again all subject to the slicing of editors and the changes of others, but the royal roads of Sartar are covered in the current draft - your guess is close enough there is rubble as well as soil for drainage (and logs in marshland). The draft also discussed issues such as Lunar military control of the roads, tolls, etc. that were previously hot topics on this list.

SO again I mostly agree, but all the usual caveats apply to a work in development...

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