Re: Re: Roleplaying a Taraltaran

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 18:55:42 +0100 (BST)

> Given Greg Staffords earlier reply, I guess the
> question now
> becomes, are there still Taraltarans, and if there
> are what sort of magic do they use?

This is clearly my day for being baffled by the obvious: but I thought they were described in ILH, the wonderful new book that has just come out? Hence the question? So they *must* exist, at present, but might not in some set of rules that has yet to be published?

I was just considering buying ILH, having heard how good it is. This sounds as if large chunks of it will vanish in what we hope is the near future, when HQ appears, and so I shouldn't buy it? That can't be right, surely?

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