Re: "Typical" game?

From: Graham Robinson <graham_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 12:22:44 +0100

Jane Williams :
> --- Graham Robinson <graham_at_...> wrote:
> > This list is *not* designed for discussion of issues
> > relevant to *your*
> > particular game, but to some theoretical *typical*
> > game.
>Just curious: what is seen as a "typical" game? And
>how many people actually play in such a thing?

There was a reason for my reference to "some theoretical typical game". I don't believe that such a game exists. I think every game has *elements* that are typical, and elements that are not. The relevant question people should ask themselves if "how likely is this to be of interest to anyone other than me (wrt to their campaigns)?" Beer and pretzels. Keep repeating, beer and pretzels...

 From my own game, we've done some typical stuff (fought at Iceland, fought at whitewall, explored the rainbow mounds, various clan politics) and we've done some wildly untypical stuff (took part in a plot to assassinate the red emperor that was started by moonson himself, burnt down the library of Jonstown). Now, "what is the reaction of the Lhankor Mhy cult to a group that has destroyed, however inadvertantly, one of their most valuable information stores?" is a relevant question to my campaign, but not one I suspect that is going to be relevant to pretty much anyone else...


Graham Robinson

Albion Software Engineering Ltd.

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