Moderator Re: Taraltaran mysticism: HQ vs GD

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 12:21:51 -0000

Good. With the current spate of holier-than-thou postings by some members and some highly unpleasant private emails, I am starting to wonder.

I realize it is human nature to want to get the last word in - and in lists (especially gaming lists) getting the last word in seems to be some sort of 'alpha geek' status symbol. However, I am starting to get rather annoyed with people continuing threads past due. Folks, a lot of you have been here for a long time, so you know the drill about what's acceptable. Please don't think that 'the rules don't apply to *me*' because they will.

In the case of the mysticism discussion and the previous discussions, the 'trigger' for 'digest' is when it starts to have very little to do with Gloranthan gaming.

The 'under the ice' debate was a WONDERFUL topic - very interesting and an exporation of a possible gaming setting for Glorantha. Disucussion of transcendence and mysticism with respect to Sufi mystics is not nearly so wonderful a topic. Crops and how does harvest work is a good topic too - afterall, very, very few of us have a clue as to how farming works (myself included). But if that turned into a discussion on the finer points of transhumanance and three crop rotation, then I'd think it should visit the digest.

Yes, these are subjective judgements by moderators. (No, we won't start _that_ debate here either).

In the case of mysticism, I will concede that the thread was _possibly_ ended prematurely. I admit it could have been handled better. However, that decision was made at the express request of Issaries. I tend to listen to requests from that quarter very carefully. I did not mind the 'okay, how do we make the cult work without mysticism' postings - they were and are useful. However, the rest of the thread was strictly digest or HW-Rules or private email material as were the reactions of some of the more freverent posters in that topic. The moderators here are willing to listen but not if you shout at us or post rude, insulting messges to us in private.

The digest is a perfectly fine venue for the discussion of gloranthan esoterica and deeper meaning. It now posts based on number of posts/size of posts so the turn around time is more than a little bit faster.

Thank you. That is all.

Jeff Kyer

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