timeline questions...

From: Viktor Haag <vhaag_at_...>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 10:34:37 -0400

In a couple months, I hope to start my second Gloranthan campaign group in motion. My first campaign group are playing three young Kheldon not-adults on the verge of adulthood, at the very start of 1618. The group plays bi- to tri-weekly. The campaign structure is very much "serial-episodic" and bears strong structural resemblance to Joss-Whedon-television. The climax for "season one" is the events that destroy the Dundealos tribe, and the character's choices surrounding that destruction.

Now for the puzzler: what to do with the second group. Not in terms of stories, but in terms of "how to fit with group one".

I'm pretty sure that I want to keep both groups in the "same Glorantha", to avoid the problem of having to remember what campaign events happen in what campaign. However, I just know that I'm going to run into time-skew and fast, as Group Two plays weekly to bi-weekly. I don't plan to have much in the way of cross-over play, but there's certainly a possibility that one group will set historical events for the other, and perhaps vice-versa depending on how the time scales between the two groups.

My plan so far is to set Group Two in Pavis/Zola Fel country, and to use Borderlands as the (narrative) basis for their campaign: the characters will be older, and relatively experienced, and I expect the campaign to be more combat oriented and heroic-adventuresome in tone.

My question is -- what's the timeline for Borderlands? When does Borderlands start? My memory says to me, dimly, 1615. Is this the case?

My more general question is -- surely other GMs have run into this situation before, running two groups in the same Glorantha, at relatively the same time? Any particular words of advice or commentary you might have would be appreciated.


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