Re: Invasion of Sartar 1591

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:38:33 -0000

> Do we know who the lunar provincial governor was at the time? If
> not, it would be tempting to place someone ambitious but not
> well connected, who through the dice on a glorious conquest, even
> knowing his forces weren't overwhelming.

"Appius Luxius has held the post of Provincial Overseer for 35 years" (ILH-1 p53)

I agree, though, that it would much more likely have been a Tarshite venture with no more than his blessing. Tarsh, after all, has a pretty substantial army of its own -- and a huge war chest to allow it to bring in not just other elements of the Provincial Army, but mercenaries, too.

All the best


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