Re: Mythic Background

From: Kevin Blackburn <kevin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 19:23:21 +0100

>I'm presently sorting out my old RQ campiagn set in Ralios, so that it
>is in fit shape for HeroQuest.
>One thing that stuck me as I've played HeroWars is that there is a
>greate r need to have a reasonable pool of myths to drawn upon.
>Therefore this time round I'm sorting out the mythic background to my
>setting, in the same vigourous way that I sorted out historical and
>political background when I wrote up the setting for RQ.
>So far I have the following broad categories,
>Sacred Landscape-why the land is the way it is.
>Origin of the gods-a whos who and how they got to hold their current
>Cultural Myths-why we do things the way we do.
>Gods war myths-tales of chaos and strife, and triumph over adversity
>(or not).

Tales that were just jokes or shaggy dog stories that got out of hand and became real. The sort of thing the Norse did, with Thor in a dress, or sleeping in a giant's glove. In Glorantha those things could "become" real - especially if Eurmal is invoked within them.
Kevin Blackburn                         Kevin_at_...

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