HeroQuesters in Black

From: Mark Galeotti <mark_at_...>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:57:03 -0000

Just to follow on from Jeff's post, let me encourage any of you who regularly run games at conventions and otherwise do what could be considered demo work, to enrol on the SJG Men in Black programme
(details _at_ http://www.sjgames.com/mib/mibjoin.html).

They are actively eager to have more Gloranthaphile MiBs, and contrary to what it says there you *don't* need to play/be familiar with other SJG games (although many are good, many are fun, and many are both*). You certainly don't have to do anything you don't want to, but in return will get regular goodies, including points for running games of HQ at cons, which you can redeem for Issaries, SJG, etc product.

Why not give it a go?

All the best


(*FWIW, much as I hate the GURPS system, many of the books are very
valuable sources: GURPS Russia is still head and shoulders the best on the Tarshites, sorry, I meant the Rus.)

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