RE: TLAs (etc etc) to be avoided

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 04:47:28 +0100

I never imagined telling you or anyone off. I don't know how I come off sounding like that. I'm sorry for any offense I caused you.

I see your point, about having to explain everything. There must be a line drawn. Here I would like to merely suggest we think about being a *little* more accessible. Jeff's suggestion, whilst it shows he's sensitive to the needs of the moderatees (!?:), seems to be that we give newbies a dictionary or phrase book so that they can understand our private language.

Oops, there I go sounding hard again. It's not to criticise, only to express a point of view.

We are, are we not, somewhat champions of the literary and (almost) thespianic arts? I would feel happier if we were to encourage descriptive prose and entertaining, artistic writing. I know we're not all gifted in that area, God knows I have my days, but to encourage it is surely admirable?

My suggestion addresses the list rules: -beer & pretzel fraternity visiting might read a good story or inspirational description
-newbie the same, also we offer access to a wealth of information and some of us an impressive encyclopaedic knowledge of the published materials
-non buyer assumption: we may even encourage someone to take up the hobby and therefore benefit them and ourselves

Written at 4.30am while tired

-----Original Message-----
From: Jane Williams [mailto:janewilliams20_at_...]

Since I have been, correctly, told off, let me try that again. TLA expansions in brackets...

> FS (the Fortunate Succession).

And there was I thinking FS stood for something entirely different. :)

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