RE: Re: Parts of Gbaji

From: David P. Summers <dsummers_at_...>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 14:25:42 -0700

At 2:07 AM -0700 8/7/03, Andrew Solovay wrote:
>David P. Summers <mailto:dsummers_at_...> wrote:
>> The posts I've seen say that these are not parts of Nysalor, so that
>> Gabji wasn't Nysalor who had been corrupted by Arkat(?). So the view
>> is that Arkat, in his drive to destroy Nysalor, became first a Troll
>> and then became a monster called Gabji? Is this the Gabji that the
>> Red Moon Goddess defeated in her goddess quest?
>Hrm. Yes, as I understand it, the Dara Happans think that Gbaji ("the
>Deceiver") is another name for *Arkat*, not for Nysalor. But they
>nevertheless believe that Arkat defeated Nysalor in the battle and destroyed
>them. I'm pretty sure nobody believes that the Red Goddess conquered Arkat
>on her godquest. (And to Lunars, Nysalor is a Good Thing, one part of the
>Lunar Way or somesuch.)
>So... hrm. Probably a Lunar would assume that the horrible chaos
>monstrosities called "Parts of Gbaji" are actually something completely
>different, some kind of evil scheme that Arkat-Gbaji hatched that really
>have nothing to do with the body of poor old Nysalor.
>Or... or...
>No. I've got it. They're the parts of Nysalor, who was fouly murdered by
>Arkat (aka "Gbaji"). The body parts seem like horrible evil chaos
>monstrosities because of the evil spells that evil Arkat put on the body of
>poor bright nice Nysalor.

Then who did the RMG defeat on her goddess quest?

David P. Summers, SETI Institute
Mail Stop 239-4
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000


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