Re: Taming of Dragon Pass

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 03:19:25 -0000

> Chief Colymar and his wife, Hareva, led the first wave from the
> south. Sometime after their settlement, the Quivini tribes moved
> in (Torkani, Culbrea, Dundealos, Malani, and Balmyr). I don't know
> if those clans had eponymous heroes like the Colymar, but I
> suppose it's possible.

Here's a few I know (and a bit of quick Googling):

Torkan's Last Fort is on the Dragon Pass game board... which likely gives us an eponymous founder. Trotsky's fine account of the Torkani gives the location of Torkan's shrine and tribal ring seat, though we don't *know* that he's a resettlement-era leader:

This fine account says Culbri the Old founded the Culbrea Tribe:

This new history has Dundeal founding the Dundealos, which may therefore be a done deal: tory.html

The Humakti mercenary Mad-Blood Malan founded the Malani tribe. His daughter Lismelder broke away to found the Lismelder Tribe. (This is well-established background from Jeff Richard's "Taming of Dragon Pass" and the "Fall of the House of Malan" freeform game.)

For more fun stuff on the resettlement era from the "Taming of Dragon Pass" game, see Tribes and Clans of the Quivini, c.1353:

And entries in this timeline from 1300-1340 give you a sense of "Who Came First" (as far as subsequent history knows): Colymar, Torkan, Malan and Arim... followed a generation later by *loads* of others:

(In passing, I am reminded of "Hengist and his wife (or horse?) Horsa," and wonder if there is a Grazer connection...)

Cheers, Nick

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