Re: Vanch/Tunoral

From: jajagapa <harald.smith_at_...>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 21:00:46 -0000

> Nice stuff. I'm planning a game and one of the players wants to
> worship Tunoral. Is there a basic HQ writeup of the religion
> anywhere ? Or some source I can look up which might help
(Affinities are likely to be Light, Awareness ? Raccoon ? - Theft probably ought
> to be in a subcult)
> --

There's been no published writeup to date on Tunoral, but this is my working material. It's not in final form by any means and is quite open to thoughts/comments/ideas, but should give you something to start with.

Tunoral, Savior of Vanch

In the Golden Age, when Heliakal ruled the land, Tunoral was a minor figure at the court of Heliakal and Reladiva, always following after his betters. Sometimes he picked things up that others dropped. Sometimes he offered or presented items to those above him. In those days, he was a dutiful follower. As the land fell apart, though, Tunoral found ways to survive through flood and drought, through winter and darkness. Others joined him.

Tunoral established the ways for his people to live after the disappearance of their greater deities. He taught them to climb and swim and forage for food, to build stockades to protect sites, to pick up and use things which others lost or forgot, to escape the dogs and darkness beasts which hunted them, and to get around without light. He met and became consort to Negalla and together they gathered and acquired various masks from other gods, which they used to both aid and conceal themselves. They acquired various skills, magics, and rituals that they used to help their people. Together, Tunoral and Negalla were quite willing to adopt and adapt new ideas or to throw away or abandon those things that were no longer useful, including names, titles, and masks.

Tunoral has had many titles and masks. These include: the Gatherer; the Finder; the Hope in the Darkness; the Bright Eyes; the Fish Catcher; the Climber; the Surehanded; the Collector of Food; the Biter of Foes; the Bearer of Masks; the Consort of the Dream; the Speaker for the Folk; the Watchful; the Blesser of Villages; the Shining Eyes; Bearer of the Spear of Hope.

The usual depictions of Tunoral include: the Raccoon; a human with Raccoon Head; a human with a mask; the Raccoon's Paw; the Eyes in the Darkness.

Entry Requirements: most Vanchite males are adopted and marked by Tunoral at birth. When they come of age, they become initiates of Tunoral, if they succeed in his Rites of Passage, an often grueling ordeal or survival. Tunoral also welcomes outsiders (and initiates of many other deities), though such newcomers must offer sufficient prizes to convince the Examiners before they may join the Rites of Passage.

Keywords: Crafty, Resourceful, Wary.
Mundane Abilities: Climbing, Foraging, Remember Story, Spot Forgotten Object, Swimming
Survival (Enduring Swim, Root Out Food, Scale Heights, Scent of Tunoral, Silent Walk, Vicious Defense)
Masks (Heliakal's Visage, Mirror of Calm, Shadowed Face)

Kemel the Dutiful (Masks, Duty)
Argrendus the Surehanded (Masks, Thief)
Ralvan the Scavenger (Survival)
Nuralt the Hopefinder (Masks, Hope)
Gavaral the Raider (Survival, Combat)

Light is not an affinity for Tunoral, as he is one (like the raccoons) that prefers to work in the dark. Tunoral's great rival, Khelmal (primary god of Imther), however, does have Light as an affinity. Both claim to be the true inheritor of Heliakal's blessing.

Gavaral the Raider was an early Gods Age follower of Tunoral and is the primary subcult for those venturing beyond the traditional Vanchite lands (at least those of a martial bent). Myths state that he guided Jorganos Archer to the walls of Alkoth (though the Heortlings claim that Gavaral/Tunoral betrayed Jorganos there).

Kemel the Dutiful is often called the First Mask of Tunoral, and was the subcult that most Vanchites adopted following Mahzanelm's great campaign of terror through that land.


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