Re: Scotscon Goss

From: Trotsky <TTrotsky_at_...>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:07:28 +0100

>I've had a variety of private comments from folk indicating that Scotscon
>was a fine and wondrous weekend.

Indeed it was. As good as the last few Convulsions, IMO, which is real tribute to Graham and the other organisers, seeing as they were completely new to this sort of thing.

>One or two have been a little surreal - flamethrowers, eggs and mayonnaise?
>I guess just about everyone who attended has made it home by now and even
>caught up on your sleep. So how did it all go!? What's the goss?

Very well indeed. Running your scenario was one of the highlights for me, but Young Thrax, Sandy Petersen being himself and loads of other stuff rate highly too. I'm not sure I can add much else to what other people have said, though. Except that, if you didn't go, and could have done, you should really be kicking yourselves right now...

Gamer and Skeptic

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