Re: Effing Excellent

From: Jeff <jakyer_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:14:22 -0000

> 2) Flesh Man as the Heortling Common Religion. This guy has been
> seriously promoted. IMHO it should be Ancestors or "The Great and
> Good Gods and Goddesses" or Folky implementations of Orlanth and
> Ernalda (Tat and Tol?). I really like the Dara Happan Common
> Religion with its figurines. That seems more Heortling than Flesh
> Man.

Who do you think Flesh Man is? =)

> 1) An affinity simply gives a bonus to your mundane skills but does
> it magicify your skill? So, as an initiate can I use a flight
> affinity to run just above the ground (Flight augmenting run)?

> 2) Can I use a combat affinity to stop a cut bleeding on the
> battlefield by augmenting my first aid?

Always look to the feats to see what sort of things the affinity can help with. I don't see any combat affinity having any healing feats in it. That's what common magic is for.  

> 3) I always thought (duh!) that you only used affinities to
> improvise feats. I couldn't understand why Finovan didn't have
> a "avoid detection" feat. Am I right in thinking you can use a
> Raiding affinity to augment a sneak ability even though there is no
> named feat to support it? Can a devotee use his Raiding affinity
> *actively* to do this even without a named feat? Why doesn't he
> this feat anyway?

Because avoiding detection on the way out is just not Finnovan's way. I don't see any reason why you can't improvise it or put it in. Remember you are not restricted to the paltry list of feats in each affinity. YGMV. You want an 'avoid patrol' feat? Put it in. Avoid Detection is really broadly worded and not really specific enough for a feat, at least, to me.

A devotee could actively do that if the narrator allows it - its called improvising a feat.  

> 4) If a devotee uses his affinity actively in a way not covered by
> any feats is it always improvised.

Yes. I think so.  

> 5) Can an initiate instead of improvising a feat *actively* (at -
> use an affinity *actively* along the same lines using the logic of
> the feats and some inspiration? At what modifier?

No. Affinities can never be active. But see Ian's reply for details.  

> My gaurdian has "Detect Quail Eggs 4w" as his awareness ability. Is
> he ever going to detect a lunar ambush? What about being ambushed
> giant quails?

Improve penalties, m'man - but detecting Quail Eggs is not that useful for combat-oriented groups. I suspect it wouldn't work on Lunars all that well unless they were from Rindilidi (or however its spelled) and then at a hefty penalty.


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