Re: New HeroQuester

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 08:26:19 -0700

Hi Moah, welcome to the madhouse.

> I've read about half the book so far, and have enjoyed it mightily. I'm
> a bit disappointed about how few pantheons are in the base book, esp the
> absence of the orlanthi pantheon. I know there's a book about it, but I
> felt like it was an important part of the book to have at least the main
> gods in the book (orlanth, ernalda, and humakt since he's cited in the
> examples !).

Well, we *could* have included another Kygor Litor...

It was an editorial decision - there were plans for extended writeups of the Heortling and Lunar Homeland keywords (on the order of 10 pages each instead of 2) , but space got tight, and....

The Heortling pantheon is presented across two books - Thunder Rebels (general heortling cultural info, plus Orlanth and Ernalda) and Storm Tribe (The rest of the pantheon, from Asrelia to Yinkin. Too bad we didn't have a name starting with "Z" ).

> Anyway, I got a minor rule question: when you spend a hero point to
> "bump" a success, it's definitely gone, right? It's not like in most
> games where you regain the point at the end of the session or after
> a night's sleep?

Yep, it's gone forever. You have to choose between an immediate benefit that is fleeting (though if it saves your life...) and a long-term imprvement to your hero.

It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done.
- Richelieu

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