New HeroQuester

From: Moah, platypus powaaa! <MOAH_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 16:30:52 +0200


I recently purchased "HeroQuest" and joined the list, so I thought I should present myself: I've been playing RPGs for something like 15 years now, started with a german (but translated into french) rpg named
"the black eye."

I used to play RuneQuest, but my game master got tired of gming, and he got scared of the huge mass of Gloranthan background. I've been wanting to try Hero Wars for a while, but noone was interested in GMing. Anyway, I recently ended up playing lots of King of Dragon Pass and needing my dose of Glorantha, so I picked up HeroQuest.

I've read about half the book so far, and have enjoyed it mightily. I'm a bit disappointed about how few pantheons are in the base book, esp the absence of the orlanthi pantheon. I know there's a book about it, but I felt like it was an important part of the book to have at least the main gods in the book (orlanth, ernalda, and humakt since he's cited in the examples !).

Anyway, I got a minor rule question: when you spend a hero point to
"bump" a success, it's definitely gone, right? It's not like in most
games where you regain the point at the end of the session or after a night's sleep?

Moah, platypus powaaa!

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