Re: Naval Encounters

From: tezboyesuk <herowars.yahoo_at_...>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 17:42:25 -0000


Was reading through the sources last night, realised I'd forgotten to mention the Closing. There is a copy of most of the writeup on Dormal the sailor from TOTRM#10 at

In the original RQ3 version of the cult, initiate membership gave access to the sorcery ritual 'Open Seas'. I

"If the spell fails, then he instant the ship leaves sight of land,
"the closing reaffirms itself and brings catastrophe to the vessel.

Presumably cultures who don't believe in Dormal, but instead have their own explanations for the Closing, and it's lifting, have their own methods of getting aroung it.

Dunno when your campaign is set, but as far as background events go, in 1619 the Lunars capture Karse - naval assault from Corflu, also in that year the Wolf Pirates attack the Rightarm Isles. The Cradle is set in 1621, fairly soon after which Argrath runs into Harrek and they go a-viking together.


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