New poll for HeroQuest-RPG

Date: 12 Jan 2004 09:20:21 -0000

Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the HeroQuest-RPG group:


  o Yes, I love her, so she loves me! 
  o Yes, she is a sister of Orlanth. 
  o Yes, she is a daughter of Orlanth. 
  o Yes, but she is sometimes annoying..... 
  o Yes, but she is an apotheosized mortal heroine. 
  o Vinga is both Earthly and Windly.
  o Orlanthi is of manly culture, while womanly culture is of Lunar....   o Lunar "Red Woman" is another name of Vinga.   o Mythologically, Vinga is rather a puce entity, consequence of requirement from Woman "Orlanthi".   o Sorry, my spouse doesn't permit me to answer honestly.   o Everyone should say Yes! Or you are Chaos!   o Vinga, push silly matter to idiot men, we are safe here and have better concern.   o Oh, I like Vinga! She looks so delicious! (Pikat Yaraboom)   o I don't think such matter should be answered clumsily. It is not just a game matter.   o Terra is certainly a Eurmali asking such delicate matter in voting!

To vote, please visit the following web page:

Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above.


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