Re: Illuminated - help!

From: Nils Weinander <nils_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:07:55 +0100

Peter L:
>>Actualy, Li Mu Bi is a reasonable example of a mystic in action.
> I wouldn't see Li Mu Bai as a full-on mystic. Rather, he is a
>martial artist who uses some system of theism, sorcery, whatever for
>his kung fu. He also has some mystic understanding, but I don't think
>he's gotten any magic (or kung fu) from it.

I agree, with the addition that he might be considered a martial artist who has retired from action in order to start on the real mystic path, but who is forced to return to active life by te theft of the magic sword.

Nils Weinander
We sail on a ship made of dreams

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