Re: Illuminated - help!

From: Graeme P. Bell <mac_logo_at_...>
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 01:04:44 -0000

She was the widow of his best friend. It would have dishonoured the friend/husband's memory in the eyes of ther culture. Li Mu Bai attempted to escape his feelings by avoiding them. He took the wrong path. He tried to ignore entanglements (Shu lien and Jade Fox) instead of removing/reconciling them. Of course he failed - he was too entangled in love and revenge. Add the temptation of a brilliant pupil...

Yu Shu Lien couldn't infringe upon Li Mu Bai's honour without dishonouring her late husband. she couldn't "give in" until he did.

They both knew how much they loved each other. All cultural, all tragic.

And a bloody good model for a heroquest, struggling wildly to get onto some sort of semblance of a valid topic.

It wouldn't work for Heortlings at all, but for Kralori, it might. Dara Happans, well... a culture /that/ repressed and repressive has got to great for tragic love stories, where caste, cult and tradition all fly in the face of human biology.


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