RE: : Belintar's cult and the Shadow Plateau

From: Matthew Cole <matthew.cole_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 02:09:38 -0000

Hi Phillipe

I haven't had much chance to read through the English site but at first glance, I'd like to compliment you all on it's design. I will be returning to read more, at length.

Thanks very much.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Sigaud [mailto:sigaud_at_...] Sent: 12 February 2004 14:40
Subject: : Belintar's cult and the Shadow Plateau


        I was happily surprised to see our website cited in the GTA Newsletter. We had much pleasure in writing texts concerning various aspects of the Holy Country and we are now trying to have them in English also.

The english version of the site ( is still 'in construction', but I'm happy to tell you that some texts are already available:

Due to further proofreading taking places, some texts may still change slightly. I thank again the peoples who accepted to read the texts and to do some comments on them. Their advice was much appreciated.

We will continue to translate others texts as time permits. Articles on the Leftarm Islands and some others on the cult of Argan Argar in the Shadow Plateau should arrive in a month or so (depending mostly on my time, courage, and many other factors such as real life). You will see the many heresies and the mad talars, the strange atheist philosophies and the many many grimoires and inventions who appeared in recent years in God Forgot. The description of the cult of Lynkha, Esrolian goddess of Philosophy and Logic is also in the pipeline.

I do not know if that can interest many of you, but the French version of the 'site is far bigger for the time being. The latest add-on (the 'January' one) was Rhigos, the Demivierge holy city with its strange myths, oracles and customs. Discover the old amphyctiony built around the Copper Serpent Oracle Hidden Among the Roots, and the modern Rhigos with its strange ruler born from flowers in a sacred glade.

In February, it will most certainly be Casino city, with its mad Black Arkat dealers, its One-Armed Bandits and where anything can be win and lost in a night of pleasure. (Btw, this article is by Jerome Blondel, who I saw as its own Kethaelan hero band in MoLaD. Great Jerome!)

Any comments, critics, suggestions or help (to proofreand, translate or whatever) will be gladly welcome!

Have a nice day,


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