Re: Re: Gregging

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 11:04:37 +1300

At 02:17 PM 2/12/04 +0000, you wrote:

>I know that in ol RQ it was stated under the stats that scorpion men
>and broos would hire out to optimistic employers who chose to ignore
>there chaotic roots - but I cant imagine a group of nomads 1. being
>able to manage the logistics of that, and 2. turning up to a battle
>with that kind of unit as they are theologically opsed to them.

I don't see the theological opposition as ruling out a temporary alliance as similar alliances have happened in RW history. There's the allies in the second world war, for example.

I don't subscribe to the "broos were herded" theory myself as the Broos are far too cunning to be rounded up and herded like sheep over an extended period of time. IMO something unusual did happen but the details are unclear - the survivors have no knowledge of how the Broos came to be on their side while those that might know are dead.

>take your point re nomad gods. That work was pre Cults of Prax. I
>wonder if Greg would Greg that now. Is moonbroth mentioned in any
>Issaries Inc stuff?

Yes. Glorantha: Intro p169. The Broos are not mentioned there because the Praxians prefer not to mention it while the Lunars don't recognize them as being all that interesting.

--Peter Metcalfe

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