Re: Gregging

From: Rob <robert_m_davis_at_...>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 14:17:41 -0000

> I think saying they had a contingent of broos is overstating it a
> little. Historicaly it's not unknown for armies to stampede herds
> wild animals or cattle at enemy formations, which is a closer
> analogy, but I wouldn't say they included a 'contingent' of wild
> animals, as such.
> Simon Hibbs

I know that in ol RQ it was stated under the stats that scorpion men and broos would hire out to optimistic employers who chose to ignore there chaotic roots - but I cant imagine a group of nomads 1. being able to manage the logistics of that, and 2. turning up to a battle with that kind of unit as they are theologically opsed to them. I take your point re nomad gods. That work was pre Cults of Prax. I wonder if Greg would Greg that now. Is moonbroth mentioned in any Issaries Inc stuff?


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