Re: Guardians (& regalia)

From: jeffrichard68 <richj_at_...>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 22:00:57 -0000

> Still, I like the concept that with certain items, instead of
> them yourself, you could somehow use them to strengthen your wyter
> (or other guardian). If nothing else it helps explain the
> of a smll group that is very powerful, if they are an ancient
> with a lot of regalia supporting it.

I like this idea a lot. For instance, the Colymar tribal wyter is said to inhabitant a ring (torc? armband?). However, the Black Spear (presumably the clan wyter of the Anmangarn) greatly strengthens the Colymar tribal war wyter when it is wielded by the tribal king. Presumably, it strengthens (or even substitutes for?) the tribal wyter.

Personally, I always like it when things like sacred regalia are not so neat and tidy. It lets us have situations where the combined wyter is far greater than the individual components.


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