Re: Glowline = Chaosline?

From: simon_hibbs2 <simon.hibbs_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 17:33:27 -0000

> There was a fairly extensive sidebar (don't have the book with me,
so I
> don't know what page -- perhaps p. 55? It was towards the back,
and the
> very nice index led me to it without much effort) which mentioned
> the Glowline was created by "entropic engines" within the temples.
> Later in the sidebar, it's casually mentioned that Chaos is just
> misunderstood entropy.

Are you sure the side bar material isn't just rumour?

IMHO the glowline, crimson domes of lunar power that protects the empire, are a magical echo of the Dome of Manarlavus, a golden dome built by the Dara Happan Emperor to protect the Empire. I think it's ruins are still visible in some parts of Peloria.

I like the sound of Entropic Engines, but I'm not sure how they'd fit in to this. Lunar magic isn't realy very mechanical in nature. OTOH since Yara Aranis was the Terror of the Pentans, perhaps the machines are powered by the bound souls of damned Pentan warriors and their steeds, trapped in magical wheels representing lunar cyclic power, which harness their energy to protect the empire they swore to destroy.

Simon Hibbs

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