Re: lunar heroquests

From: Joshua Neff <figaro9_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 15:43:37 -0000

> Most of the Lunar Gods are borrowed from another culture and a lot of
> the myths relating to those gods carry over. So Yanafal Tarnils heros
> can take the part of Humakt in quests where he appeared. There should
> be some differences but they are generally minor.

Right, right. I forgot about that. So...

Yanafal Tarnils ---> Humakt
Irippi Ontor ---> Lhankor Mhy
Hwarin Dalthippa ---> uh...?

> Also you are wrong
> about the Gods War being in the past, it's outside time so can and
> is changed by major HQ. The birth of the Red Goddess for one example.

Oh, no, I understand that the Gods War is outside of time. My point was that the heroquests I've read have all referred to ancient events. But you're right, the Gods War is outside of time, so heroquests don't *have* to be about ancient events.

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