Re: Tribes of Dragon Pass

From: illuminate33 <inarsus-ferilt-z_at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 09:13:08 -0000

Oh, thanks Jane,

Here is some more:
<<Internet Source Links are temporary and unsettled, here is links according to current WWW condition. Of course many unofficial. (2004 / March)

I think Somewhat there is contradiction about the existence of seminomadic / decentralised heortling have their own need (or usefulness) of their tribal center, for it fixes and mends the seat for specific clans that is near of the city

[For example, Jonstown has completely on Aranwyth territory, though Malani founded it.] Aside from the fact Sartar made his cities for unifying feuding clans by making cities on its borders (but he certainly failed about Duck Point and Colymar) ,

for their "flexible and practical" way [at least unprincipled? or irresponsible from the point of view of centralised Sun Dome Templars / Dara Happans] itself might prevent these centers as a one of functionary points of whole Principality.

I think many elected heortling kings want to rule tribes from their own clan base, not distant Tribal Seat. It might indicate the level of centralisation of each tribes....for example, in DP: LoT, Cinsina and Locaem doesn't have specific centers while Malani and Colymar have their own, even if not under Yelmalion Tyrannos Rule [Harvar of Vantaros in Aldachur, Count Lukus of Vaantar].

But this might be too technical analysis and it might simply indicate lack of concerns of authors, like about Balkoth along the Jaldon's Grave..... Maybe some sartari see Hauberk Jon permitted to put on his Jonstown distant Cinsina Land with quite astonishment for the eccentricity among Malani......>>

Jane wrote:
> I'm not sure to what extent the new material fitted in
> with this and to what extent it contradicted it. You
> wn't find any mention here of the entire Kheldon tribe
> losing their Movement powers, I know that for certain.


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