Re: reference for how the solars got 'there'

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 10:37:12 +1200

Bryan Thexton:

Asks questions better suited to the Glorantha Digest. So I'll keep the answers short. In particular, the Spike is a mythic construction from various myths and that the modern Sartarite belief has been contaminated by this to some extent.

>Soooo....I got to wondering things like:
>1) Was the empire already there when Orlanth came down off the Spike?


> 1a) If it was, did Orlanth know of it even then (and was he really
>just exploring?)

He didn't explore that far.

>2) Why did the emperor leave the spike? From the orlanthi POV it
>seems like the court on the spike and the old emperor were equally
>hide bound, but did he too rebel against the gods on the spike?

He didn't. He came down on the Footstool in Raibanth and never rebelled against no Spike Gods.

--Peter Metcalfe

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