Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: light_castle_at_...
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 07:01:13 -0000

Howdy Darran.

> It does sound like you need Imperial Lunar Handbook, Volume 1: The
Lunar Empire' as that has two-page spreads on many of the Lunar Homelands. See:

I may have to go for that, just for the joy of Lunar-dom. (I look good in red, and have a fondness for redheads, I was DESTINED to be Lunar!)  

> I have found it useful although it doesn't go into enough detail for
my liking.
> I'll have to wait for 'Imperial Lunar Handbook, Volume 2' ;-(

Grrr... :)

> I have always said that there is a need for a starter pack with full
background detail and scenarios that help new players. Something that will give basic starting information out as the players begin with new characters but also reveals more and new information *in play*.
> Lots of maps and some nice gritty detail but enough freedom in the
material to allow the narrators do come up with more and run on several different tangents.
> HeroQuest hasn't got this yet, neither Issaries, Unspoken Word or
Tradetalk have done a starter pack for newbies.
> 'Barbarian Adventures' doesn't quite come close.

Hell, Even if they did it by homeland. Sure it's milking money, but you could always pick and choose the ones you wanted. But a starter pack like that is always a good idea IMHO.

> I have tried to come up with Lunar stuff but find that I am stuck
with the Orlanthi mind set.
> The English obsession with the under-dog I am afraid.
> The Ancient Britons against the Romans or the Anglo-Saxons against
the Normans.

See, my job among my Pagan friends is always to be the guy arguing the Romans shouldn't be viewed as the bad guys, but as the first modern Nation State, with ties by citizenship instead of merely by blood.

This is done mostly to get them worked up, of course, because many Witches are cute when they are mad. :)

(before anyone gets offended, all of the above is with great big smiles and tongues firmly in cheek)  

> Do you know what she won?
> Did she win it from the RHQN boys?

Don't know, she hasn't gotten back to me yet.  


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