Re: Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 23:59:14 +1200

At 11:42 AM 5/6/04 +0000, you wrote:

>(Hell, interesting Empire, that EWF.
> > Anyone car to jump in with the quickie version of whether or not it
> > and Krarolea have a link besides the dragon motif? Just curious.)

>The main link is Shang Hsa may-his name-be-cursed (mostly because my
>word processor aurtomatically changes Hsa to Has.

The Kralori did blame the EWF on ShangHsa but then they also blamed the God-Learners on ShangHsa while the God Learners blame themselves for ShangHsa and the EWF. Hence large amounts of salt are on order to take with what the Kralori say.

FWIW, LC, large amounts of in-voice gloranthan material will contain statements that are heavily distorted or just plain wrong. They are slanted towards putting down the other people as much as possible while glorifying the deeds of their own ancestors to the skies.

>(I have my own ideas about Godunya (the current Kralori Emperor)
>being in Pavis 800 years ago but that is MGVing.

Godunya was in Dragon Pass (Hemkarba) during the EWF period.

--Peter Metcalfe

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