Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: light_castle_at_...
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 18:49:48 -0000

Peter, I realize that the whole "in voice" thing is deliberate, and I don't mind it so much on one level. I like that everything is different according to who you ask. That's fine. I realize that there has probably been huge philosophical discussions about what is or isn't the "real truth" (especially when you go back to pre=history and the Godtime). I've no interest in fighting that fight. I'm sufficently post-modern (or Illuminated) to know that all the myths are true, or not true, at the same time. :)

(Hell, I can barely tell if all the cultures even believe in a God time and Great Darkness -- it seems that the Malkioni shouldn't, at first glance.)

But what I miss is the idea that since history started, there have been a skeleton of actual events. The reason, meaning, motivation, detail of the events may change by interpretation in voice, but certain things HAVE happened. But even that is hard to ever find.

Thus the Moonson question. Moonson IS, there's a Red Emporer, and certain facts are known. Now, that the REAL story behind those facts and what they mean (he's there, he dies and ressurects, he no longer always looks the same, he throws huge decadent parties) is completely different to someone in the Empire, or the court, or different cults, let alone people outside the Emporer, is fine. Great, even, it lets you play. But it's that touchstone skeleton of actual events that is so frustrating when you can't find it.

Like the Holy Country. It started at some point, it had a Pharoah who took over people's bodies, it fell. That and its location is about all I can seem to figure out. Which is fine if I am no where near it, but more troublesome otherwise.


> FWIW, LC, large amounts of in-voice gloranthan material will contain
> statements that are heavily distorted or just plain wrong. They are
> slanted towards putting down the other people as much as possible
> while glorifying the deeds of their own ancestors to the skies.
> >(I have my own ideas about Godunya (the current Kralori Emperor)
> >being in Pavis 800 years ago but that is MGVing.
> Godunya was in Dragon Pass (Hemkarba) during the EWF period.
> --Peter Metcalfe

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