RE: Re: Greetings and Felicitations

From: Jane Williams <janewilliams20_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 20:04:09 +0100

> Peter, I realize that the whole "in voice" thing is deliberate, and I
> don't mind it so much on one level. I like that everything is
> different according to who you ask. That's fine.

Great! That's a huge stumbling block for a lot of people.

> But what I miss is the idea that since history started, there have
> been a skeleton of actual events. The reason, meaning, motivation,
> detail of the events may change by interpretation in voice, but
> certain things HAVE happened. But even that is hard to ever find.

A sudden nasty thought. You HAVE read "Glorantha, Introduction to the Hero Wars", haven't you?

As far as I know, that's the one of the modern HW/HQ books that's *supposed* to give this sort of overview.

Is it still in print? And if not, might I suggest that this is corrected?

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